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Credit Repair Basics After a Bankruptcy Discharge

After a bankruptcy discharge, it’s important to take some basic steps to repair your credit.

Rebounding from a bankruptcy discharge may seem daunting, but taking the right steps to repair your credit score can help you get back on track financially.

By following these simple tips, you can start to improve your credit score and get back on track financially.

Discover how best to rebuild after financially difficult times by reading up on these helpful tips for getting started with repairing credit post-bankruptcy.


Get Copies of Your Credit Reports

Taking the time to get a copy of your credit report from all three credit bureaus – Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion – is invaluable for understanding your financial health.

Your credit report contains information that can help you pinpoint discrepancies or mistakes made by creditors who have reported to them.

It also gives you an important look at your credit score and other vital financial information that can be used to make decisions about highly-important purchases like buying a new home or car, as well as making sure you qualify for the best rates.

Ordering a copy of your report should be done annually and any discrepancies should be disputed in a timely manner.

Taking charge of monitoring your financial landscape not only protects you against identity theft but also puts you in control of how potential lenders might perceive you.


Check for Errors or Improper Negative Marks

It is essential to regularly seek out any errors or negative marks that may be dragging down your score before it is too late.

Checking for and correcting any mistakes early on can prevent you from having to deal with more serious consequences in the future.

Furthermore, it is important to develop a strong sense of self-awareness when it comes to your achievements and shortcomings. That way, you can identify and address any potential obstacles preventing you from getting the best result possible.

Taking the time to investigate potential issues and make adjustments accordingly demonstrates that you are aware of your progress, which ultimately increases the chances of reaping greater rewards.

credit repair tools after bankruptcy


Dispute Any Errors Quickly

If you suspect something on your credit report is inaccurate, then it’s important to dispute it with the credit bureau as soon as possible.

When examining the report, don’t just look for mistakes and errors, but also look for any inaccuracies or suspicious activities – like charges from stores you’ve never visited.

Fortunately, disputing an inaccuracy is a fairly straightforward process. To get started, contact the credit bureau directly to make sure they understand your issue as thoroughly as possible. Once they’re aware of what’s happening, they’ll investigate it further to determine if an adjustment needs to be made.

With this approach, you’ll be able to create a strong case in order to help rectify any inaccuracies on your credit report.


Pay All Bills On Time

Paying bills on time not only alleviates stress but also helps you maintain a good financial reputation.

Regularly making on-time payments is one of the best ways to establish and maintain strong credit, as it demonstrates that you’re responsible with your finances.

The better your credit score is, the more likely it is that lenders will be willing to offer you great terms on loans and credit cards. Staying up-to-date with all bill payments shows potential employers or landlords that you are trustworthy and dependable, qualities they look for in employees or tenants.

With consistent bill payments, small risks associated with opening a new account such as utility services or phone plan, become less threatening and open up more opportunities for you.


Keep Balances Low on Credit Cards

Maintaining a low balance on your credit cards is an important step in managing your financial health. Keeping balances at 30% or less of the total limit is the best practice to follow when using credit cards.

Doing so will lower the amount of interest you pay and help increase your credit score.

This potentially gives you access to better rates, higher limits, and more attractive rewards whenever you borrow money or spend with your credit card.

Keeping your balances low not only shows that you’re good at managing debt but also improves your overall creditworthiness.

Don’t let high balances weigh down these important metrics – make sure to keep them as low as possible.


Consider Opening a New Line of Credit

Re-establishing and maintaining a positive credit history is imperative for a healthy financial future. If your score is lower than you’d like, consider opening a new line of credit.

Achieving this will help to demonstrate financial responsibility since payment will be reported each month to the credit bureaus.

As long as your account remains in good standing and you make regular payments, your credit history will improve over time and could significantly impact future decisions made by lenders when applications are reviewed.

It is important to remember, however, that while taking this step can rebuild your score quickly, it can also do the opposite if payments are not made on time or at all.


In Summary

These are just a few basic tips to help you start improving your credit score. Remember, the first step is always to obtain a copy of your report from all three bureaus so that you can see where you currently stand.

Regularly review your credit report for errors and dispute them quickly. Make sure to pay all bills on time and even open a new line of credit, if you are sure you can make the payments.


hiring an attorney to help file bankruptcy


Hiring an Experienced Bankruptcy Lawyer

It’s important to hire an experienced bankruptcy attorney as one of the steps to take when you’re facing bankruptcy and you are worried about credit rebuilding after.

This is because there are many different types of bankruptcy. Only an experienced lawyer will know which one would work best for your specific situation.

It might seem like it makes sense to do this yourself. But most people don’t have the time or patience to understand all of the intricate details involved in bankruptcy.

That means they make mistakes by not choosing the right type, or by not filling out paperwork correctly. Both things could lead to delays and ultimately hurt your chances of getting any debt relief at all.

This is not a journey to take lightly, but it is also not one to take alone. If you need to file for bankruptcy, reach out to us today to start your journey with us.

If you want to learn more about the options you have and the steps to take, call us for a free consultation.


Rebuilding credit after bankruptcy? Parker & DeFresne can help!

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