Our COVID-19 Protocol
Parker & DuFresne, P.A. is taking steps to make sure we can continue to serve you and maintain the health and safety of our team as our nation deals with the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are basically business as usual, except that we are limiting appointments to telephonic only.
Fortunately, we have been offering the option of telephonic appointments for years, and we are very experienced in conducting telephonic consultations.
Please call 904-606-9069 to schedule a telephonic appointment with one of our lawyers.
We encourage you to follow recommended protocol as directed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Please visit www.CoronaVirus.gov for the latest updates and information.
Thank you for your cooperation. Stay safe!
Let Our Firm Prepare Your Case
Parker & DuFresne is the right choice if you are facing injury, divorce, or financial distress.
As Jacksonville’s top bankruptcy law firm, we provide the best protection against creditor harassment, foreclosure, wage garnishment, tax debt, and repossession.
Contact us for a free and confidential consultation today!